A SQL statement is needed, that returns a list of all link relations with start and end object name. Additionally a tagged value (here it is called ‚Object identifier‘) should be appended
Usage of MDB Plus
Note: If you do not need tagged values, you can customize the following Access / .eap-File Statement in the way that you reduce it by leaving out the last 2 LEFT JOINs (and don’t forget to remove the Columns from the Select clause).
SELECT objstart.[Object_ID] As EAIDSource, objstart.[Name] AS EANameSource, objpropstart.[Value] AS DoorsSoruceObjectID, tconn.[Connector_ID] AS EAConnectorID, tconn.[Direction] AS EADirection, tconn.[Connector_Type] AS EAConnectorType, tconn.[Stereotype] AS EAStereoType, objend.[Object_ID] AS EAIDTarget, objend.[Name] AS EANameTarget, objpropende.[Value] AS DoorsTargetObjectID FROM ((( [t_connector] tconn LEFT JOIN [t_object] objstart ON tconn.[Start_Object_ID]=objstart.[Object_ID]) LEFT JOIN [t_object] objend ON tconn.[End_Object_ID]=objend.[Object_ID]) LEFT JOIN (SELECT [Object_ID], [Property], [Value] FROM [t_objectproperties] WHERE [Property]="Object identifier" ) objpropstart ON tconn.[Start_Object_ID]=objpropstart.[Object_ID] ) LEFT JOIN (SELECT [Object_ID], [Property], [Value] FROM [t_objectproperties] WHERE [Property]="Object identifier" ) objpropende ON tconn.[End_Object_ID]=objpropende.[Object_ID]