IBM Doors DXL: Object creation

Create first object of module

// Get the current selected module
Module m = current;

// Create first object of module
Object firstObjectInModule = create(m);

Create hierarchically objects

// Create child object of firstObj
Object childObjOfFirst = create below(firstObj);

// Create last Object (this will generate an error
// if the object has no children present
Object lastChildObjOfFirst = create last(firstObj);

// Creates a new object on the same level as firstObj
Object newObjectOnSameLevel = create after(firstObj);

IBM Doors DXL: Object Selection

Current module selections

// Select the current Module
Module m = current; 

// Get first Object of Module
Object firstObject = first(m);

// Get last Object of Module
Object lastObject = last(m);

Selection on object children and parents (get parent / first / last child)

// Get current selected module (highlighted row in Module)
Object currObj = current

// Get first Child of the Object (which is below currObj - 
// i.e. whenn currObj is a Headline)
Object firstChild = first(currObj);

// Get last child of the objects below currObj
Object lastChild = last(currObj);

// Get the parent of currObj
Object parentObject = parent(currObj);

Selection of vertically arranged objects in the module (without considering the object hierarchy)

Object currObj = current;

// Select the previous object independent from the object hierarchy
Object previousObj = previous(lastChild);

// Select the next object independent from the object hierarchy
Object nextObj = next(lastChild);

Selection of siblings of the current object

Object currObj = current;

// Selection of the first sibling in the same hiararchy and hierarchy level
Object firstSibling = first sibling (currObj);

// Selection of the last sibling in the same hiararchy and hierarchy level
Object firstSibling = first sibling (currObj);