A SQL Statement is needed to get the coordinates of Diagram Object like Activities, Classes, Lanes and so on…
In this statement only the stereotypes ‚Project Phase‘, ‚Gate‘, ‚Product Maturity‘, ‚Lane‘ of the diagram ‚Product Creation Process‘ will be selected
Usage of MDB Plus or another SQL Tool
This example is for Access / .eap-Files
SELECT dia.Name As Diagram, objstart.stereotype, diaobj.RectLeft As x, diaobj.RectTop As y, diaobj.RectRight-diaobj.RectLeft As Width, Abs(diaobj.RectBottom-diaobj.RectTop) As Height, objstart.Object_ID, objstart.Alias, objstart.[Name] As ProcessStep FROM (( [t_diagram] dia LEFT JOIN (Select Diagram_ID, Object_ID, RectLeft, RectTop, RectRight, RectBottom from [t_diagramobjects]) diaobj ON dia.[Diagram_ID]=diaobj.[Diagram_ID]) LEFT JOIN [t_object] objstart ON objstart.[Object_ID]=diaobj.[Object_ID]) WHERE dia.Name='Product Creation Process' AND objstart.stereotype IN ('Project Phase', 'Gate', 'Product Maturity', 'Lane') ORDER BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9