A binary picture that has been saved in a database or an Access File (i.e. of the Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect) shall be displayed on a web page.
- Create a new ASP.NET Webform and name it GetImage.aspx
- Go to the Page_Load function in it
- Paste the code under solution in the area in customize according your data structure (here it is Sparx EA).
- Create a img-Tag in HTML, that has a src-Attribute pointing to that webpage with a get parameter img={your image id}
- Use Response.BinaryWrite in the way shown below
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.OleDb; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; public partial class GetImage : System.Web.UI.Page { // Mit folgender URL Kann ein Bild nun rausgeladen werden // http://localhost:51241/GetImage.aspx?img=343868582 // und entsprechend in HTML über den Image-Tag geladen werden: // <img src="GetImage.aspx?img=343868582" /> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sqlStatement = @" SELECT Image FROM t_image WHERE ImageID={ImageID} "; sqlStatement = sqlStatement.Replace("{ImageID}", Request.QueryString["img"].Trim()); OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(MyConfigurationManager.eapFilePath); try { conn.Open(); OleDbCommand comm = new OleDbCommand(); comm.Connection = conn; comm.CommandText = sqlStatement; OleDbDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"; // if your image is a jpeg of course Response.BinaryWrite((byte[])reader.GetValue(0)); } } catch (Exception ex) { //return e.Message; } finally { conn.Close(); } } }