The menu point „Set Composite Diagram“ allows to create a clickable link to another diagram from objects. Unfortunetly to get the references in SQL (with start and end GUID) is a little bit tricky…
Open the .eap (MDB Plus) file or der SQL Server structure (MS SQL Server Studio Express) in a tool that allows you to test SQL Statements
Composite Diagrams of Activities
i.e. for the .eap-File (Access):
To get the activities Composite diagrams, you need to join the t_object.PData1 Columne with the t_diagram.Diagram_ID Column. This can be done in the following way:
SELECT compobjects.ea_guid As src_guid, As src_name, b.ea_guid As dest_guid, As dest_name FROM ( SELECT ea_guid, Name, Object_Type, Stereotype, PData1 FROM t_object WHERE NType=8 AND PData1 IS NOT null AND isnumeric(PData1)) compobjects INNER JOIN t_diagram b ON b.Diagram_ID=CInt(compobjects.PData1)
Composite Diagrams of Classes
SELECT Client As src_guid, As src_name, Supplier As dest_guid, As dest_name FROM ( t_xref xr LEFT JOIN t_object obj ON xr.Client=obj.ea_guid) LEFT JOIN t_diagram obj2 ON xr.Supplier=obj2.ea_guid WHERE Supplier<>'<none>'
All Composites by source guid
SELECT src_guid, src_name, dest_guid, dest_name FROM ( SELECT compobjects.ea_guid As src_guid, As src_name, b.ea_guid As dest_guid, As dest_name FROM ( SELECT ea_guid, Name, Object_Type, Stereotype, PData1 FROM t_object WHERE NType=8 AND PData1 IS NOT null AND isnumeric(PData1)) compobjects INNER JOIN t_diagram b ON b.Diagram_ID=CInt(compobjects.PData1) UNION ALL SELECT Client As src_guid, As src_name, Supplier As dest_guid, As dest_name FROM ( t_xref xr LEFT JOIN t_object obj ON xr.Client=obj.ea_guid) LEFT JOIN t_diagram obj2 ON xr.Supplier=obj2.ea_guid WHERE Supplier<>'<none>' ) WHERE src_guid='Put your GUID here'