In Doors DXL all modules of a project should be read.
It is possible to filter for the ItemRef-Type „Formal“ when iterating a project without using recursion.
// This is necessary that it works /******************************************************* * Author: Björn Karpenstein * Date: 2014-10-08 * * This DXL script iterates through all formal modules ******************************************************/ void forAllModules(void) { Item itemRef; string shType; string sItemNameFull; string sItemName; Module moduleReference; string projectName = "/" name(current Project); print projectName "\n"; for itemRef in project projectName do { shType = type(itemRef); print shType "\t"; sItemNameFull = fullName(itemRef); print sItemNameFull "\t"; sItemName = name(itemRef); print sItemName "\n"; if(shType=="Formal") { moduleReference = read(sItemNameFull,false); } } } // Main-Method void main(void) { forAllModules(); } main();
Für alle Module eine Folders (rekursiv) siehe …
To get all modules from a folder also see …
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