JIRA 6.1. and above: Database field PKEY is empty


In prior versions than JIRA 6.1., the table „jiraissue“ in the database has stored the Issue IDs and has made it possible to make a selection on Issue IDs. Unfortunalety this field is empty now. It is not possible to select values because of the Issue ID.


Analysing the table shows a new column name „issuenum“ which can be used in combination with the colum „project“ to concatenate the Issue Key.


SELECT project_key.PROJECT_KEY+‘-‚+CAST(issuenum AS VARCHAR(5)) as pkey, jiraissue.*
FROM jiraissue
INNER JOIN project_key
ON jiraissue.PROJECT=project_key.PROJECT_ID
WHERE project_key.PROJECT_KEY+‘-‚+CAST(issuenum AS VARCHAR(5))=’VVTT-65‘




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