When there are triggers on a module it often is not visible to administrators and other users that can perform DXL operations.
A menu point as module add in should be generated. Copy the following script to the moduleaddins directory of your doors installation.
// This is necessary that it works /******************************************************* * Author: Björn Karpenstein * Date: 2014-10-01 * * This script lists all triggers of the module ******************************************************/ pragma runLim, 0; string lstArray [] = {}; DB mainWindow; DBE textBox; DBE textList; void listAllTriggerForMod (Module mod) { string theResult=""; Trigger t; int i = 0; for t in mod do { insert(textList, i, name(t) "", iconNone); i++; } } string getSourceForTriggerName (string theTrigger) { string sourceCode = ""; Trigger t; for t in current Module do { if(name(t) "" == theTrigger) { sourceCode = dxl(t) ""; } } return sourceCode; } void doDeselect(DBE dbe, int idx) { //infoBox "You deselected " dbe[idx] ""; } void doActivate(DBE dbe, int idx) { // infoBox "You activated " dbe[idx] ""; } void doSelect(DBE dbe, int idx) { string triggerName = getColumnValue(textList,idx,0); set(textBox, getSourceForTriggerName(triggerName)); } void main(void) { User currentUser = find(); bool mayDXL = currentUser.mayEditDXL; if (!mayDXL) { // Show error box and inform user. Stop execution of script. errorBox "You are not allowed to run/edit DXL code!"; halt; } mainWindow = create("List all triggers"); textList = listView(mainWindow, 0, 310, 20, lstArray); textBox = text(mainWindow, "", "", 400, false); textList->"right"->"unattached"; textBox->"left"->"flush"->textList; textBox->"top"->"aligned"->textList; realize(mainWindow); insertColumn(textList, 0, "Trigger Name", 300, iconNone); set(textList,doSelect,doDeselect,doActivate); listAllTriggerForMod(current); // set(textBox, listAllTriggerForMod(current)); show(mainWindow); } main();